One of RECA CONSULTING’s services is to help you with national & international patent registration at WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) with our team of specialists (severely selected mother tongue translators italian, french and Russian and legal experts) in order to provide our clients the best assistance for their patent registration, which is worthwhile with our company because we enhance our client’s rights and we help to defend themselves.

RECA CONSULTING provides any type of useful information regarding the PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) which is a multilateral treaty supervised by WIPO in Geneva, Switzerland. PCT Procedure facilitates the attainment  to protect your intellectual property in the WIPO State members : the registration has the legal effects towards all the WIPO countries as if it was a national registration in that specific country.

Once you obtain the national registration for every state you have chosen in your application, PCT gives you facilitation to obtain the worldwide protection. Patent is exclusively released by the assigned authority ; the Phase 1 is differed to the 30th month of the date of registration/ priority request.

For the application it is mandatory to be an inhabitant or the have the nationality of a PCT State. PCT applications must be in one of the WIPO official languages (English, French or German). PCT application can be registered at the Italian Ministry of economic development (Italian  Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi), to WIPO in Switzerland or to EPO (European Patent Office) in The Hague or in Munich. In the case of a first national registration or of a priority request, it is mandatory to register the PCT patent in your own country (for Italy : Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi).

Each PCT application will be examined and the patent office will make a worldwide research to seek for previous registrations/patent of the same intellectual property ; then it will communicate its results (International PCT Research Report) based on the patent research by means of a written report that can be requested by the applicant.

Before starting the application process RECA CONSULTING, thanks to its expertise in the patent field, will provide the client a detailed estimate of costs for the registration of its Intellectual property.

